Sunday, October 8, 2017

Eat, Bake, Nourish

So, I've been struggling with my eating for a long time now.  It's had terrible consequences for my weight, but now it's also having some consequences for my workouts.  I noticed that days after a strength workout, I was still sore and still exhausted.  I expect exhaustion during and just after a
workout.  (It's not at all uncommon for me to sit in my car for several minutes before I feel like I can safely drive.  That's the level of exhaustion we're talking about here.)  But, workouts are supposed to lead to increased energy, and being tapped out for days felt like something was off.

So, I had three theories.

The first was my favorite.  I thought perhaps I was working out too hard for my current fitness level.  Two birds with one stone.  If I could convince my trainer to pull back I'd have easier workouts AND I'd feel better.  I was fond of this theory.

The second theory didn't feel right, but was a possibility.  Maybe I wasn't sleeping enough, or well enough to support my workouts.  I have been sleeping a lot, but often the dog and cats interrupt my sleep in the night. Maybe I was literally too tired to work out at full capacity.

Or, third - and I hated this one- maybe I wasn't adequately fueling my workouts.  Maybe up until now, I could fake it because my fitness level was so dismal.  But as I get stronger and more fit, I need actual fuel - actual food.

I ran these theories past my trainer, but also past some physiologists on campus.  They rejected #1 out of hand.  They considered #2, but ultimately felt like I was getting enough rest, even it it wasn't perfect, blissful sleep.  They landed solidly on #3.  Darn it.

Here's what I've done so far - and it's helping, I think.  Three days a week, I drop Finnegan off at either daycare or his job.  On the way back to campus, that's when I usually realize that I am suddenly quite hungry.  Enter the drive-through, and the start of all my problems.  But I also pass this "wellness bar" place, where they make a variety of low-calorie meal replacement protein shakes.  On those three mornings, I have replaced the drive-through with this drink.  Almost immediately, I lost some weight AND I have been feeling much better.  Crazily better. 

That's it.  That's as far as I've gotten.  I just wanted to mention it, in case anyone is wondering if it works.  It works and it works fast, apparently.

Next up, I will add oatmeal on the other two work-days.  I can eat that at my desk or I can get it at Starbuck's drive-through.  It doesn't matter.  At least it will be healthy, and it's likely to keep me from eating a huge and inappropriate lunch.

It's not much, but it's a start.

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